Do you…

savor every moment?

subscribe to a the dishes can wait attitude?

find nature to be the best antidepressant?

Me neither…

Some days suck. Sometimes the house needs to be cleaned while the kids watch cartoons of questionable quality. Adderall & Wellbutrin? Yeah, I hashtag heart that.

And then I write about it…

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Rhiannon headshot

Rhiannon has been featured in:

The New York Times, The Washington Post, Parents, Pregnant Chicken, McSweeney’s, National Lampoon, Scary Mommy,, Huffington Post,, and more

Rhiannon writes:

• About mental health, memory, music, parenting, dating, humor, and the surprisingly frequent confluence thereof
• Words combining poignancy and humor while also giving reassurance and insight into their own struggles or the struggles of others

Rhiannon is:

• A moderately nerdy, perpetually overwhelmed single mother trying to parent mini versions of herself when she barely knows how to live with her own brain

• Funny sometimes maybe

Rhiannon is not:

• Good with directions

(Either the routes and map sort or the rules and regulations sort)

I'm writing a book! Join me on Patreon for more information and behind-the-page content